Monday, May 25, 2009

memorial day

For those of you who may never actually visit the tree house, it is located about 30 feet above the edge of a small lake. Today the sun rose over a calm lake and as I often do on mornings such as these, I would see the sun, a hawk and several smaller songbirds first on the lake's surface. You see the trees that surround the tree house often block what is going on in the sky and therefore the lake's surface becomes my window to the sky. For me on calm mornings, that means looking to the water to see what is happening in the sky. If I only looked to the sky, I would miss much of what is happening up there in the heavens. It is only by turning my eyes away from the sky that I see what is happening there.

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things to ponder

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Connecticut, United States
1 person, 1 passion. I am an Eco-artist and arts educator who is attempting to make the world a slightly better place every day.